Our Mission Statement
The Cornell Asian Pacific Student Union is the umbrella organization for all Asian and Asian-Interest groups on Cornell University’s campus. This organization is a registered student organization of Cornell University.

We aim to bring undergraduate organizations representing students of Asian descent together to facilitate networking among the members of the community. We strive to be the platform for the Cornell community to learn about and understand our diverse ethnic backgrounds in order to form a more cohesive community.

Our vision this year is to make our programs fun and interactive while also educating the Cornell community about the presence of Asian and Asian Americans (AAA) on campus. We plan to reach out to student organizations we have lacked communication with in the past and build a stronger collaborative community within the AAA student body. We also hope to strengthen our external relations and continue to build bridges between our alumni network as well as other campus communities. We cordially invite all of you to participate in our activities and join our weekly meetings to help make Cornell’s AAA community happier and stronger.

The Cornell Asian Pacific Student Union’s mission will be: